
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Beauties

I have found some pretty great finds lately, at a great price. I love the hunt. I love finding new homes for our treasures. I love nothing more than finding something in a barn, or a forgotten attic, or on a thrift store shelf that is a true lovely treasure. I feel so good when we clean it, and admire it, and send it off to its new home, all around the world. I think it is very cool when a forgotten piece goes to someone who is going to display it proudly or use it as intended.  My recent finds arent terribly old, but I think they are cool and should find their way into the Stillhouse shop very soon. Jonathan Adler Vase, i actually collect white pottery so I snatched this one up from a thrift store shelf, and did not look at the label until I got home, I was pretty shocked, and should of known it was Jonathan Adler. And these gorgeous little Bohemian Czech glass cordials. Really lovely pieces.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The skinny

We have added a few new things to the shop. Steve does a junk antique show every year, and it is a huge deal. It is the Warrenton Roundtop Antiques Week. It basically covers three towns, and it is a (3) week show. It is massive, 1000's of vendors, and several 1000's of customers.  It is a unique experience. This year he is taking a huge art show he is preparing, he has been busily working on his mixed media and paper mache pieces, and they are incredible. Some beautiful, and thought provoking, and some crazy clowns, that may be a little nightmare provoking... We are in creative over drive over here, as the show in toward the end of March. We want to have art and jewelry projects finished soon, and we will show you when we have more complete pieces.

I am determined and making myself accountable for my health, I have been giving myself a free ride food wise, and I am okay with that, no guilt, as I usually do, but this year will hold a lot of potential for fun, adventure and some soul stirring experiences. I think being more physically fit will help me achieve and enjoy those adventures a lot more.  I have never followed  a published diet plan, and I generally try to eat healthy, but the kicking my on ass needs to start now.  I will follow the South Beach Diet, basically lean meats, veggies, to get myself away from my carb addiction.  I am not sure you really care about such things, but i thought posting it here, and making myself follow up and be accountable in this way would just give more weight to my intention.  I am 156 pounds right now, and will start the diet on Monday the 11. Why am i waiting, well I just turned 48 yesterday and it is the weekend, but no more excuses after Monday. I will keep you posted on my progress, you can just ignore...

Have you had success on the South Beach Diet, would love to hear? It seems like the most reasonable diet for health concerns.

Maybe if I can lose the 20-25 pounds i would like to lose I can go to the Hotter than Hell 100 with Steve, we will see, hmmm.